Questions to Ask Before Starting a Diet

Jan 28, 2022

There are some very important questions to ask your coach before signing up for a weight loss program.

First, are they starting you off in a caloric deficit?

A caloric deficit means you’re consuming fewer calories than you’re burning. Most women need a caloric deficit stage in order to lose weight.

Most programs will start you off in a deficit, but not all.

The important thing to note is, will your coach start by assessing your current caloric intake/output before giving you nutrition and fitness goals?

They should. No, scratch that, they must.

How can a coach assign a nutrition or fitness plan if they don’t know where they’re starting?

They can’t. 

Second, will you have to cut out any specific foods or food groups?

Tons of diets will encourage you to cut out ‘bad’ foods like white flour, sugar, alcohol. Tons of other diets will have you cutting even more things like ‘all carbs’, ‘all fat’, or ‘all food after 7pm.

Realistically, you can never actually cut all carbs or all fat and honestly, when you deprive yourself of foods you encounter daily and really enjoy, one day, you will lose it and you’ll binge.

Sure, there are *some* exceptions to this, but in my XX years of coaching clients, most clients eventually do drop off and go crazy eating the very thing they’ve been restricting.

A good coach will provide you with the flexibility of choice, teaching you how to incorporate your favorite foods in moderation.

Lastly, can this plan work with your lifestyle for the rest of your life?

Can you only eat out of color-coded Tupperware?

Are you only allowed to eat meals made at home?

Do you have to drink a special shake or tea every single day at 12pm sharp?

If so, red flag!

Think about it realistically…can you actually do these things for-ev-er?

If not, it’s not going to work for the long term.

Whatever program you choose, it’s got to be flexible enough to fit your goals as your body changes and it’s got to be forgiving enough to fit your real life, every day.

This is why I coach clients using macro nutrition.

Macro Nutrition…

  • Takes you through ALL the diet phases, deficit, maintenance, reverse, bulk
  • Allows you to eat anything and everything; all foods are on the table
  • Fits your lifestyle and goals and is flexible through it all

I’m not here for quick-fix systems. We are here for lifestyle solutions.

If you're ready to learn more about counting macros and how to correctly count them, join the waitlist for Macros 101! 




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