macronutrients 101

Dec 14, 2020

Macronutrients, also known as macros, are the building blocks for a healthy nutrition protocol. Macronutrients are the molecules that compose the food that our bodies use as energy.


 Macros are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.


Proteins: meat, seafood, eggs, tofu, seitan, dairy, protein powder

Carbohydrates: fruit, vegetable, rice, potato, cereal, bread

Fat: avocado, egg yolks, coconut oil, cheese, nuts, nut butter


Macros are also calories. Each macronutrient has a caloric equivalent.


1gram of protein = 4 calories

1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories

1 gram of fat = 9 calories


By tracking macros you’re also counting calories too but in a much more advanced way. Tracking macros means that you are setting a customized target each day for protein, carbs, and fats.


Counting calories alone is a great start but, without macro awareness, you will only change your body weight. By tracking macros too, you’ll lose weight while also changing your body composition. This is how you avoid the ‘skinny-fat’ look. Where your weight is down but your body still looks and feels out of shape.


When tracking macros, no food groups are off-limits. You need proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Each macro has a job and a purpose. You cannot skip macros. That’s why so many diets fail. They cut out entire food groups which is neither sustainable nor healthy.


Carbohydrates provide the healthy energy you need to keep your hormones happy and have enough vitality to get through a busy day. Fats help you process vitamins and nutrients. Protein helps you feel fuller longer and encourages the development of muscle.


Most women do not get enough protein. That is one of the hardest macros for women to hit. However, for most women looking to lose fat and ‘tone up’, protein is the most important macro. Protein fuels muscle growth and provides the necessary nutrients to recover from exercise.


I always advise my clients to focus first on getting in protein, then carbs, then fats. This is the order that typically leads to the best fat loss and weight maintenance results over time.

Try Our Free 3 Day Macro Tracking Nutrition Course