Macros aren't forever.

Dec 14, 2021

Many people know me as the #madmacroscientist…and I come by that name honestly!

I have taught 100's of people over the course of about 5 years years.

I am the creator of the only NASM/ISSA/AFAA-approved Macro Nutrition Coaching Certification Program and have successfully guided over XXX macro nutrition coaches through it with success.

Suffice it to say, I’ve got experience.

So, when I say: macros aren’t forever, I need you to really hear me.

You see, macros are not a lifelong SOLUTION.

They are a TOOL.

Yes, macros will help you lose or gain weight, add muscle, or get you into great shape. 

But my ultimate goal is to help my clients learn how to use them, then move on.

I want my clients to know how to use them and when to use them. Because you don’t need to use them every day for the rest of your life, forever. Not in the way you think. 

Take my client, Trudy, for example:

She learned macros from me as a 1:1 coaching client. She lost weight, achieved her goals, and our coaching period ended. 

Fast forward three years, Trudy, like many of us, put on the Quarantine Fifteen. When her doctor told her that she was getting close to being out of good health, she decided to make a change. 

But this time she didn’t call me. Instead, she went back to her understanding of macro nutrition, implemented some of the basic strategies, and guess what?

Trudy lost 25lbs in 6 months on her own and has maintained her results for the past 5 months.

She never even downloaded MyFitnessPal this time around!

Macro tracking is a tool. It provides a framework and foundation. It teaches you portion control, mindfulness, and the importance of food quality. 

But, like any training tool, let’s say, training wheels on a bike, the goal is to eventually take the supports off so you can really, truly fly! 

Trudy was able to take everything she learned during our time together, then implement it in a slightly different situation a few years later. And she had some pretty epic success! 

Even myself, I really only track when I’m on a strict cut with a timeline on it like for a specific event or a fitness competition. Otherwise, I just lean into my knowledge of how macros work and what my body needs best and I’m still able to maintain great results.

Once the training wheels are off, the sky's the limit!

If you’re ready to see macros only as a tool (and not forever) sign up to join the waitlist for the next round of Macros 101 now! 


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