Carb Cycling vs. Refeed Days

Mar 31, 2022

Two very popular fat loss buzzwords floating around the internet these days are “carb cycling” and “planned refeeds”. Both are essential to effective, safe, and sustainable weight loss but the question is…

What’s the difference?

Actually, they’re pretty similar.

Both carb cycling and planned refeeds are designed to help you keep your metabolism thriving and both can help you maintain your sanity too!

And, contrary to traditional Diet Culture belief (the belief that everyone needs a 1,200 calorie diet with zero carbs to succeed) most women who are on a weight loss journey, need to carb cycle or take a planned refeed to keep their results moving forward.

So, eat more to lose more?


When you’re carb cycling you typically…

When you’re taking a planned refeed you typically…

Both of these methods can improve your ability to adhere to your plan, boost your performance in the gym, and increase the efficacy of your metabolism.

Any coach worth their weight will track your biofeedback (scale weight, measurements, photos, health stats) on a regular basis and incorporate carb cycling and/or planned refeeds at various intervals in your journey.

If they're not…Red Flag! 🚩🚩🚩


Here are some key signs you may need to cycle your carbs or take a planned refeed:

  • Struggling to adhere to your plan
  • Prolonged soreness muscles or joints following exercise
  • Sitting at a weight loss plateau despite doing ‘everything right’
  • Health concerns like acne, sleeplessness, high anxiety, water retention, etc. 

And these are just a few!

If you’ve been in a deficit for an extended period of time without taking some sort of ‘diet break’ and you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, it could definitely be time.

Wondering if it’s time for a carb cycle or planned refeed? Ask your burning questions about both, or apply for 1:1 coaching HERE!

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