3 Things to Lose Weight Faster

Jan 11, 2023

Want to lose fat?

Here are the 3 most important things to focus on…

1) Eat protein at every meal.

This will help you feel fuller, speed up your recovery from workouts, get stronger, get leaner faster, and have more muscle definition (tone). ⁣Choose lean protein like chicken breast, white fish, lean ground beef, tuna, eggs, and Ghost vegan protein.

I typically have a protein-rich breakfast and consume 25g+ of Protein within an hour of my strength training workout. This keeps me feeling full and energized so I can avoid cravings and energy crashes.

2) Prioritize resistance training over cardio 2-5 days per week.

Personally, I strength train 4 days a week and only do 2X20 minutes of intentional cardio weekly currently. This ensures I can build lean muscle (which boosts metabolism and burns more calories) without putting undue stress on my hormones + maintain cardiovascular health! 

I try to focus on the bigger muscle groups like quads, biceps, shoulders, back, and calves. The more muscle I have, the leaner I feel and the more calories I can burn throughout the day. I like high-weight low-reps to build muscle. 

3) Understand that calorie balance controls weight loss and fat loss. 

If you are overeating what your body realistically burns in a day, fat loss won’t happen. It’s not just about food choices. It’s also about portions, too. PERIOD. ⁣

You can swap foods, reduce portions, or even moderately increase your low-impact body movement…I suggest walking. These small tweaks will help you find the calorie balance you need to lose fat sustainably.

So, why do these three things work so well when it comes to fat loss? 

They help you to increase your metabolism and help you understand that it's not just about food types but calories too.

These genuine ‘dial-movers’ will get you to your goals faster than any weight loss pill or fad diet.

And that’s why they’re our number one focus for our fat loss coaching clients.
Want to learn more about our 1:1 and group coaching programs? 

Click HERE to find out what program best fits your needs so we can get you on your way to your best health ever, today!

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